Customer service

We recommend using the Electronic Enforcement Service or telephone service to manage your case.

Customer service opening hours

The national telephone service provides general advice and instructions on, for example completing enforcement applications. You can also order certificates from the telephone service.

Calls made to the customer service of the National Enforcement Authority Finland are automatically recorded and the caller is informed about this at the beginning of the call. Read more about recording calls from here.

Enforcement officer in charge

If you have pending enforcement matters and have received a letter from National Enforcement Authority Finland, you can find the contact details of the enforcement officer in charge of your case from the letter and in the Electronic Enforcement Service.

Our offices

You can also visit National Enforcement Authority Finland’s offices during their opening hours if your matter so requires. Some offices are only open by appointment. Please check the opening hours and possible booking instructions for offices here.

Contact information

Postal address

P.O. Box 1

FI-00067 Ulosottolaitos


Email: ulosotto.uo(at)

To have your enforcement matter processed as quickly as possible, please include your address and date of birth in your message in addition to your name. If possible, please use encrypted secure email (in the sidebar on the left; bottom of the screen in mobile) for your message to National Enforcement Authority Finland.

Visiting addresses to our offices service

If you have registered with the Messages service , you will receive some of the letters sent by distraint offices electronically at the Messages service. You can prohibit the sending of distraint letters to the Messages service by notifying sent the letter to National Enforcement Authority Finland.

Fees on requests for information

We may charge a fee for responding to the request for information from 1.9.2023. Read more about fees on requests for information.

Published 25.8.2023